Youth Engagement Coordinator
About Our Youth Engagement Coordinator: Lauren Davis
Lauren Davis graduated in May 2020 from Florida State University with a major in Music and minor in Child Development. She has been part of the Camp Coleman family for 16 years first as a camper and in recent years as a counselor, programmer and unit head. With a passion for music and teaching, Lauren has a warm and dynamic personality.
During college, Lauren took part in a voyage around the world in the Semester at Sea program where she visited 30+ countries. In her spare time, she continues her love of music by teaching piano, camping and travel. A cool fact about Lauren is that she has a huge family that included an identical twin sister!
Growing up in the Reform Jewish community has molded me into the person I am today. I have always dreamed about having a career that would allow me to shape and encourage others to be their best selves, whether through working at camp or within a temple youth group. Not only will this job allow me to embrace my Judaism, it will allow me to spread positivity, compassion, and knowledge to young minds in the two places that have always made me feel most at home, temple youth groups and URJ Camp Coleman. I am very excited to be a part of Temple Kol Emeth!
Lauren can be contacted by email at
Fri, September 20 2024
17 Elul 5784